North Bucks Beekeepers' Association -

Honey show

The 2024 show: 21st September, Oakgrove School

For full details, see this page: how to enter.

NBBKA holds and annual honey show with several classes. The show comes under our own rules.

Results from past shows:
Class and trophy results since 2014


Exhibits may be entered on the morning of the show, judging will commence late morning. All exhibits will stay on display for judging and for viewing until late afternoon. All Trophies and cups will be presented at the end of the day, after which the exhibition will be dismantled and removed. NB. Exhibits may not be removed until after the presentation.

For exact timings, see the schedule.


Open to all members of the Association. All honey and wax to be produce of competitor's own bees. There is no prize money. Only one award allowed per entrant in any one class.

A novice is any person who has not previously won a first prize in a Show under National Honey Show, BBKA or similar rules. (Note: you may still enter novice classes if you came second). Joint owners may make multiple entries but will only be allowed one placing in any one class.


NBBKA is proud to award many impressive trophies to our winners. Details and photos of each, plus lists of recent winners, are avaialble on the results pages. Trophies are held by the winner and returned (polished) shortly before next year's show.