Honey show 2015 results
NBBKA Trophies
Lady Chesham Challenge Cup – Highest overall points total in show
- Tania Thorne
Stoke Road Apiary Shield – Second highest overall points total
in show - Mike Jackson
Clara Furness Award - Highest points total for wax and mead, classes
12 to 15 and 19 to 21 - Nicola Smith
Albert Toms Shield - highest points total in the open honey classes
excluding any class for which a specific award is made. This year this shield is
for classes 1 to 8 - Mike Jackson
BW Apiary Cup - winner of class 9, six jars as for sale
- Tania Thorne
Mini cup - winner of class 16, fruit cake - Tania Thorne
Arthur Foreman Cup - highest total points in novice classes
-Tania Thorne
BBKA Blue Ribbon - best exhibit in the show - Tania
Thorne (class 9 entry)
Silver Candlesticks - best candles in show- Jane Woodbridge
All class results
1 Two matching 1lb jars of light honey
- 1st Mike Jackson
- 2nd Mike Robinson
- 3rd Jane Woodbridge
- VHC Sue Lang
2 Two matching 1lb jars of medium honey
- 1st Jane Woodbridge
- 2nd --
- 3rd Mike Jackson
- VHC Ed Beach
3 Two matching 1lb jars of dark honey
4a Two matching 1lb jars of crystallised honey
- 1st --
- 2nd --
- 3rd David Warren
- VHC Liana Clarke
4b Two matching 1lb jars of soft set honey
- 1st Mike Jackson
- 2nd Jane Woodbridge
5 Two matching jars of honey not as in classes 1 to 4. (eg. chunk, ling, jar
variations, etc.)
6 One piece cut comb, gross weight 200-255g (7-9oz), in container with transparent
- 1st --
- 2nd --
- 3rd Jane Woodbridge
7 One standard comb of honey showing the work of the bees. In bee-proof
show case (note: combs may have crystallised honey in them without penalty)
- 1st Mike Jackson
- 2nd Andrew Beer
- 3rd Tania Thorne
8 Gift, One 1lb jar of honey of any type. (Donated after the show to Willen
- 1st Mike Jackson
- 2nd Andrew Robinson
- 3rd Tania Thorne
- VHC Sue Lang
9 Six matching 1lb jars of honey presented labelled as for legal sale under
current rules
- 1st Tania Thorne
- 2nd Andrew Beer
10 One section of honey, round or square
11 One 1lb jar of honey, the jar painted black
- 1st Ed Beach
- 2nd Mike Jackson
- 3rd Tania Thorne
- VHC Mike Robinson
12 One cake of beeswax, 200g to 255g (7 to 9 oz approx)
- 1st Mike Jackson
- 2nd --
- 3rd Tania Thorne
- VHC Sue Lang
13 Not used this year
14 Six matching cakes of beeswax (total weight within 160 to 180g)
- 1st --
- 2nd --
- 3rd Daniel Clarke
15a Three matching beeswax candles , dipped or moulded, displayed erect, ready
to burn
- 1st Jane Woodbridge
- 2nd Tania Thorne
15b Three matching beeswax candles, rolled, displayed erect, ready
to burn
16 One honey fruit cake, as per recipe provided
- 1st Tania Thorne
- 2nd David Warren
17 One plain honey cake, as per recipe provided
- Elizabeth Beer
- Tania Thorne
- Mike Robinson
18 Honey fudge as per recipe provided, eight square pieces on a plate
- 1st David Warren
- 2nd Tania Thorne
19 One bottle dry mead
20 One bottle sweet mead
21 One bottle Honey Wine, label stating main ingredients apart from honey
22a Craft
- 1st Jane Woodbridge
- 2nd Sue Lang
- 3rd Mike Jackson
- VHC Daniel Clarke
22b Photograph
- 1st Jane Woodbridge
- 2nd Liana Clarke
- 3rd Daniel Clarke
Novice Classes
23 Two 1lb jars of clear honey, of any colour but matching
- 1st Mike Robinson
- 2nd Tania Thorne
24 Two 1lb jars of crystallised honey, of any type but matching
25 One cake of beeswax, between 110g and 170g (4 to 6 oz.)
- 1st Tania Thorne
- VHC Mike Robinson
26 Children's Craft
- 1st Ben Thorne
- 2nd Max Thorne
- 3rd Leo Thorne
27 Children's Honey
28 Composite
29 Shop Display